Wednesday, February 23, 2011

 THE LIFE OF A FORMER SLAVES                                                                                                       As a black kid in a white area its hard, I am 14 right now and i have not gone to a real school, sometimes my Mom or Dad try teaching me things you would learn in school, its alright but i would love to go and make friends, hange with people who do like me and go on feeledtrip and have so much fun but i cant, it sucks.When i go out and get food for my family one store will let me in, the owner is a good man but thanks to me he dose not get alot of custumers, but thats alright with him he like's me and my family.The food is good and dinners are great.                                                                                                                          I do not understand why some white people do not like us but if thats how they are, then i do not care for them, all i know is, we are who we are is that a reasion to dislike and make fun of people beacuse of who they are.I say no.        
                                                                                                          MALIK CALMA                        

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